Photograph taken by the Author of this Blog. After a painful period of wordlessness...and silence...i tried to break the chain of silence by a very naive and immature stroke of pen..dont know...they'll come back like before or not...but it felt good
I pick up my pen again....
hoping that something might flow...
Long since they've abandoned me...
leaving me....strangely hollow.
I dont have words...its dark for me...
All the colors seems to have drained..
Theres no blood in me...
But my soul and self is stained...
Some voices cry inside of me...
They had lots of words to say...
But i have no fire to ignite them all...
My hand lies..cold..numb and grey...
"Where have you been all these long?"
"Can't you see he is about to die?"
"All these while you dreamt away...
They kept on waving..."Mr. A. Goodbye!"....