16 April 2009


Pic. Courtesy: Internet

I danced in the rain...that first day...
made a paper boat and sailed it away..
the water flowed to a distant blue bay...
At the horizon...i see my white sail...sway!!!!

I wrote a poem...that first day...
the scorching sun..in some mid-may...
Some memories...on the bed I lay...
Silent thoughts...i heard a voice say....

I walked in the rain...that first day...
raindrops fell....from the sky so grey...
smoke streamed coffee...and a filled ashtray...
those days are gone....i wish...they'd stay!!!

2 whispers that i heard....:

Ambiguous Insomniac said...

yeah amar life r akdin er kotha mone porlo...seta na hoy toke personally i bolbo akash...

Navodeep Dutta said...

Majhi re...oh majhi re...dekhecho ki...tumi tarey...nouko amaar chelebelaaar...kagojer!!