20 December 2012

Who Manity

(Pic Courtsey: Internet)

And the clock ticks away
Patient waiting wanes…
And the bloody show smiles and claps for a finale.
And the clock ticks away
Each moment … of a pain so severe...
That even death gasps in horror.
And the clock ticks away
Humanity claws at innocence ripping it apart.
And the clock ticks away
More cries of… “Mother…I want to live”… fills the air.
And the clock ticks away
More MEN speaks of justice and peace…
And the clock ticks away
Those bastard sons of manliness soars high.
And the clock ticks away
We do nothing…
the clock ticks away
she stretches her hand…she wants to live…
clock ticks away..
humanity shame on you…shame on us.
ticks away...

1 whispers that i heard....:

Anonymous said...

ashamed to be called a human ....